Kettle Creek, The Pines, Criss Fork, PA, April 13, 2024. It was a bumper year for veteran Second Genner
Drew Rose as he won the Gabby and was nominated and appointed as Deputy Sergeant of Arms by
Senior Sergeant of Arms Karl Wendel. Kettle Creek was close to historic highs over Gabby week and Saturday’s competition,
although with generous stockings throughout the week prior helped compensated for the high waters. Miraculously no fishermen
were reported to have gone unintentionally swimming.
Darien Bohdal and family met Mike Shanks in the Pines on Monday for an early setup of Collianeville IV and enjoyed the
total eclipse of the sununder the pines, for a first. Later that day, Joe Hrubos and family join the camp site for an
evening campfire under Collianeville.Mike Shanks, Darien, and Caleb Bohdal (and family) camped Gabby Monday in the Pines,
another first for an early setup.Ron Fisher made the wood delivery on Monday, and it was reported that he did this without
hitting a single tree.On Tuesday morning, Mike Shanks departed for a scheduled Gabby Limo pickup of Sergeant of Arms
Karl Wendel in Mountain Top, PA,leaving Darien and Caleb to an almost perfect day for catching many trout on Kettle Creek.
Gabby Eve at the Shanksylvania B&B was hosted by Mike and Karl, who were joined by Mike’s rookies
Dag and son, Thore, Walther, Jeff Marlow (rookie Gabby winner 2022), Zac Anderson (three-time Gabby
winner), Drew Rose, Alex Bedont and his rookie Paul Geach (father-in-law), for some shooting and a
prime rib dinner.
On Thursday morning, the Shanksylvania B&B caravan headed north to the Pine with all of their
appropriate legal travel documents, arriving in Gabby Camp just prior to noon. During the ride to Gabby
Camp, retired Elder Byron “Andy” Anderson spoke with Mike and Karl by phone and ask to have his
responsibilities of Committees and Zoning Chair transferred to his son, Zac. Later on Thursday, one of
Jeff Marlow’s rookie Ryan “Smoke Break” Marlow, Joe Hrubos, Zac’s 2023 rookie Tim Lovelady, Founder
Dane and DC Konop, arrived in camp. Thursday was clear with high trout activity on Kettle Creek for
those who ventured down to the water. Thursday night Dane, DC and Karl retired early to the Senior
Hostel in Cross Fork, and later the Pines received around a quarter inch of rain, causing the river to rise
an additional six to twelve inches.
Camp arrivals in the intermittent morning rain on Friday included Jeff Marlow’s second rookie Brandon
Muth, Veteran and Elder Ty Albert, Chris Miller, Jimmy Pellegrini, Webmaster Julius Czarnecki and his
rookie and son, Octavian. The rain gave the fishermen a break during the day for a decent day on the
creek. During the day a visiting fisherman, Goldie, and friend, updated camp on the river’s stocking
conditions, stating that the State had float stocked the Pines area of Kettle Creek with 400 trout.
Veteran Mike Shanks caught 14 trout on flies, stating that Zac had indicated he was coming out of semi-
retirement, which was forcing Shanks to do the same, although he indicated they would use flies for the
competition. Jeff Marlow caught and released a nice 17-18 inch rainbow. Thursday evening more rain
arrived causing the river to rise yet again.
Saturday morning, the camp woke to an exceptionally high Kettle Creek for the Gabby competition but
were graced with sunny skies for the day. Nineteen of the 22 Gabby Guys ventured down to Kettle
Creek in search of the Gabby. Due to the high waters, no fishermen attempted to cross the creek on
Saturday, which limited some of the holes’ access. Most of the fishermen were out all day, most notably
rookie Thore Walther, who caught 18 trout. By dark everyone was back in camp making dinner and
preparing for the annual meeting.
Around 9:00 pm Collianeville was filling up with attendee and Mike (aka Venison Vic) was beginning to
prepare the camp side marinade deer medallions. Founder Dane, DC, and Sergeant of Arm Karl, arrived
fashionably late from the senior hostel, and Karl called the Annual Gabby Hayes Memorial Meeting to
order at 9:48 pm, followed by Mike Shanks’ “In Memoriam,” that recognize eleven Gabby Guys who
have passed on. The camp attendance county went off with out a hitch for the second year in a row
with a 22 Gabby Guy count. Gabby Guys in attendance included Founder Dane Konop and son DC,
Sergeant of Arms Karl Wendel, Fire Guy Darien Bohdal and son Caleb, Elder Ty Albert,
Committees and Zoning Chair Zac Anderson,Webmaster Julius Czarnecki, semi-Elder Mike Shanks and son-in-law
Jeff Marlow, Joe Hrubos, Chris Miller, Drew Rose, Alex Bedont, Jimmy Pellegrini, Tim Lovelady, and six rookies, a record,
Mike’s rookies, Dag and son Thore Walther, Alex’s father-in-law rookie Paul Geach, Jeff’s rookies Ryan “Smoke Break”
Marlow and Brandon Muth,Julius’s son and rookie Octavian Czarnecki.
The fish count total for the day of competition was 56, resulting in a respectable 19 fishermen quota
2.94 trout per competitor. Even better for those who did not leave camp was the camper ratio of 2.54
fish per camper. For current housekeeping items, the update for the Steve “Fireguy” Mueller Memorial
Firewood Fund was that the wood and straw, $260, and campsite reservation, $100, had depleted the
existing fund of $260 by a -$100. A mandatory collection of $20 per camper was assessed this year to
stabilize the fund. Donations are still excepted.
It was noted for new business that Zac Anderson had assumed the responsibilities of Committees and
Zoning Chair, which was officially assigned to him from the former Committees and Zoning Chair and
Elder Byron “Andy” Anderson, as his last official Gabby act. The newly appointed Committees and
Zoning Chair, Zac, announced that temporary permits had been granted for the development of
Germantown and Germantown Pike, as well as emergency trenches to protect Collianeville from
flooding. He also noted that in the event of the Gabby choosing a German, the traveling trophy did not
have an exit visa or passport to leave the continental United States. An update on the Gabby Webpage
( was presented by Webmaster Julius, followed by an update on Collianeville IV and a
future fund by Fireguy Darien. Jeff Marlow passed out Gabby car stickers fresh off the printing press for
all Gabby Guys. The future status of the Gabby Traveling Trophy was brought up and it was deferred to
the Founder Family that assumed responsibility after the award of the trophy for 2024. Following an
attempt by Founder Dane to move onto fish entries, Sergeant of Arms Karl reminded him that there was
one more item for new business. Founder Dane reluctantly conceded. At this point Sergeant of Arms
Karl nominated Drew Rose as his successor and Deputy Sergeant of Arms. A vote was held for consent
and was unanimous. At this point, Founder Dane, named Thore Walther as rookie of the year for his
stellar performance on Kettle Creek of 18 trout caught, his assistance of building the water canal to
protect Collianeville IV, and his travel efforts in his journey to the Gabby of a record over 4,500 miles.
Following one of the numerous smoke breaks called during the meeting, all contenders returned to
Collianeville with their entries for the Gabby. Founder Dane had semi-elder Mike parade the Gabstick
around the tent prior to assisting him with its operation. Several contenders, including a headless trout,
jockeyed for the prominent lead position and finally Drew Rose displaced Thore Walther as the
undisputed longest trout by a generous quarter inch. Drew’s 13 5/8 rainbow trout was uncontested,
and Drew graciously accepted the responsibilities that come with winning the Gabby, mainly an
acceptance speech and the responsibility of the traveling trophy annual caretaker. Following
presentation of the trophies from last year’s winner Darien, congratulations all around, a refreshingly
short acceptance speech by Drew, and photos, Sergeant of Arms Karl adjourned the meeting at 12:38
The 49th Gabby Hayes Memorial Trout Fishing Tournament will be on April 12, 2025.
Drew Rose as he won the Gabby and was nominated and appointed as Deputy Sergeant of Arms by
Senior Sergeant of Arms Karl Wendel. Kettle Creek was close to historic highs over Gabby week and Saturday’s competition,
although with generous stockings throughout the week prior helped compensated for the high waters. Miraculously no fishermen
were reported to have gone unintentionally swimming.
Darien Bohdal and family met Mike Shanks in the Pines on Monday for an early setup of Collianeville IV and enjoyed the
total eclipse of the sununder the pines, for a first. Later that day, Joe Hrubos and family join the camp site for an
evening campfire under Collianeville.Mike Shanks, Darien, and Caleb Bohdal (and family) camped Gabby Monday in the Pines,
another first for an early setup.Ron Fisher made the wood delivery on Monday, and it was reported that he did this without
hitting a single tree.On Tuesday morning, Mike Shanks departed for a scheduled Gabby Limo pickup of Sergeant of Arms
Karl Wendel in Mountain Top, PA,leaving Darien and Caleb to an almost perfect day for catching many trout on Kettle Creek.
Gabby Eve at the Shanksylvania B&B was hosted by Mike and Karl, who were joined by Mike’s rookies
Dag and son, Thore, Walther, Jeff Marlow (rookie Gabby winner 2022), Zac Anderson (three-time Gabby
winner), Drew Rose, Alex Bedont and his rookie Paul Geach (father-in-law), for some shooting and a
prime rib dinner.
On Thursday morning, the Shanksylvania B&B caravan headed north to the Pine with all of their
appropriate legal travel documents, arriving in Gabby Camp just prior to noon. During the ride to Gabby
Camp, retired Elder Byron “Andy” Anderson spoke with Mike and Karl by phone and ask to have his
responsibilities of Committees and Zoning Chair transferred to his son, Zac. Later on Thursday, one of
Jeff Marlow’s rookie Ryan “Smoke Break” Marlow, Joe Hrubos, Zac’s 2023 rookie Tim Lovelady, Founder
Dane and DC Konop, arrived in camp. Thursday was clear with high trout activity on Kettle Creek for
those who ventured down to the water. Thursday night Dane, DC and Karl retired early to the Senior
Hostel in Cross Fork, and later the Pines received around a quarter inch of rain, causing the river to rise
an additional six to twelve inches.
Camp arrivals in the intermittent morning rain on Friday included Jeff Marlow’s second rookie Brandon
Muth, Veteran and Elder Ty Albert, Chris Miller, Jimmy Pellegrini, Webmaster Julius Czarnecki and his
rookie and son, Octavian. The rain gave the fishermen a break during the day for a decent day on the
creek. During the day a visiting fisherman, Goldie, and friend, updated camp on the river’s stocking
conditions, stating that the State had float stocked the Pines area of Kettle Creek with 400 trout.
Veteran Mike Shanks caught 14 trout on flies, stating that Zac had indicated he was coming out of semi-
retirement, which was forcing Shanks to do the same, although he indicated they would use flies for the
competition. Jeff Marlow caught and released a nice 17-18 inch rainbow. Thursday evening more rain
arrived causing the river to rise yet again.
Saturday morning, the camp woke to an exceptionally high Kettle Creek for the Gabby competition but
were graced with sunny skies for the day. Nineteen of the 22 Gabby Guys ventured down to Kettle
Creek in search of the Gabby. Due to the high waters, no fishermen attempted to cross the creek on
Saturday, which limited some of the holes’ access. Most of the fishermen were out all day, most notably
rookie Thore Walther, who caught 18 trout. By dark everyone was back in camp making dinner and
preparing for the annual meeting.
Around 9:00 pm Collianeville was filling up with attendee and Mike (aka Venison Vic) was beginning to
prepare the camp side marinade deer medallions. Founder Dane, DC, and Sergeant of Arm Karl, arrived
fashionably late from the senior hostel, and Karl called the Annual Gabby Hayes Memorial Meeting to
order at 9:48 pm, followed by Mike Shanks’ “In Memoriam,” that recognize eleven Gabby Guys who
have passed on. The camp attendance county went off with out a hitch for the second year in a row
with a 22 Gabby Guy count. Gabby Guys in attendance included Founder Dane Konop and son DC,
Sergeant of Arms Karl Wendel, Fire Guy Darien Bohdal and son Caleb, Elder Ty Albert,
Committees and Zoning Chair Zac Anderson,Webmaster Julius Czarnecki, semi-Elder Mike Shanks and son-in-law
Jeff Marlow, Joe Hrubos, Chris Miller, Drew Rose, Alex Bedont, Jimmy Pellegrini, Tim Lovelady, and six rookies, a record,
Mike’s rookies, Dag and son Thore Walther, Alex’s father-in-law rookie Paul Geach, Jeff’s rookies Ryan “Smoke Break”
Marlow and Brandon Muth,Julius’s son and rookie Octavian Czarnecki.
The fish count total for the day of competition was 56, resulting in a respectable 19 fishermen quota
2.94 trout per competitor. Even better for those who did not leave camp was the camper ratio of 2.54
fish per camper. For current housekeeping items, the update for the Steve “Fireguy” Mueller Memorial
Firewood Fund was that the wood and straw, $260, and campsite reservation, $100, had depleted the
existing fund of $260 by a -$100. A mandatory collection of $20 per camper was assessed this year to
stabilize the fund. Donations are still excepted.
It was noted for new business that Zac Anderson had assumed the responsibilities of Committees and
Zoning Chair, which was officially assigned to him from the former Committees and Zoning Chair and
Elder Byron “Andy” Anderson, as his last official Gabby act. The newly appointed Committees and
Zoning Chair, Zac, announced that temporary permits had been granted for the development of
Germantown and Germantown Pike, as well as emergency trenches to protect Collianeville from
flooding. He also noted that in the event of the Gabby choosing a German, the traveling trophy did not
have an exit visa or passport to leave the continental United States. An update on the Gabby Webpage
( was presented by Webmaster Julius, followed by an update on Collianeville IV and a
future fund by Fireguy Darien. Jeff Marlow passed out Gabby car stickers fresh off the printing press for
all Gabby Guys. The future status of the Gabby Traveling Trophy was brought up and it was deferred to
the Founder Family that assumed responsibility after the award of the trophy for 2024. Following an
attempt by Founder Dane to move onto fish entries, Sergeant of Arms Karl reminded him that there was
one more item for new business. Founder Dane reluctantly conceded. At this point Sergeant of Arms
Karl nominated Drew Rose as his successor and Deputy Sergeant of Arms. A vote was held for consent
and was unanimous. At this point, Founder Dane, named Thore Walther as rookie of the year for his
stellar performance on Kettle Creek of 18 trout caught, his assistance of building the water canal to
protect Collianeville IV, and his travel efforts in his journey to the Gabby of a record over 4,500 miles.
Following one of the numerous smoke breaks called during the meeting, all contenders returned to
Collianeville with their entries for the Gabby. Founder Dane had semi-elder Mike parade the Gabstick
around the tent prior to assisting him with its operation. Several contenders, including a headless trout,
jockeyed for the prominent lead position and finally Drew Rose displaced Thore Walther as the
undisputed longest trout by a generous quarter inch. Drew’s 13 5/8 rainbow trout was uncontested,
and Drew graciously accepted the responsibilities that come with winning the Gabby, mainly an
acceptance speech and the responsibility of the traveling trophy annual caretaker. Following
presentation of the trophies from last year’s winner Darien, congratulations all around, a refreshingly
short acceptance speech by Drew, and photos, Sergeant of Arms Karl adjourned the meeting at 12:38
The 49th Gabby Hayes Memorial Trout Fishing Tournament will be on April 12, 2025.